22 711 graviditeter oppnådd over 21 år
Sergey Yakovenko
  • Author of more than 150 scientific works and inventor of various technologies and techniques in the field of reproductive medicine, all of which has contributed to advancing ART treatment. 
  • Has worked in collaboration with leading research centers in the USA and Italy.
  • Has gained wast experience in the field of embryology when working at Wisconsin State University and American biotech company Infigene, Inc.


  • 1984-1990 – Moscow State University, Department of Biophysics. 
  • 1995 – PhD, Moscow State University, Department of Biophysics.
  • 1998-1999 – Embryologist, National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I.Kulakov, name of the partaken course: “New technologies in reproductive medicine”.
  • A member of ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine), APART (Association of Private Assisted Reproductive Technology Clinics and Laboratories) and ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology).

Working experience

  • 1990 - up to current date - senior researcher at Moscow State University, Department of Biophysics.
  • 1999 – employee/researcher at Wisconsin University, Madison, WI, Department of Zootechnics, Neal First laboratory’
  • 2002 – up to current date – CEO and embryological lab head at Altravita Clinic, Moscow (ECO center Ltd.)
  • 2003 – scientific consultant at Infigene, Inc., (Deforest, WI).


Published works
















  • Foreign quality control standards in the IVF laboratory / Yakovenko S. // Materials of the III International Congress of ART. Modern aspects of assisted reproductive technologies. April 12-15, 2006 - Moscow: 2006.
  • Yakovenko S. Genome reprogramming by means of calcium waves mimicking in Nt oocytes // World Association of Reproductive Medicine. 3rd World Congress on In Vitro Embryology New Trends in Reproductive Medicine. 27 September – 01 October. - Rome, 2006
  • Yakovenko S., Zorina I. Embryo transfer: the role of physician factor // Reproductive BioMedicine Online. – 2006. - Vol. 13.- Suppl. 1. – p. 13-14.











  • The influence of the storage temperature and cryopreservation conditions on the extent of human sperm DNA fragmentation
    Simonenko E., Garmaeva S., Yakovenko S., Yakovenko S., Grigorieva A., Grigorieva A., Tverdislov V., Tverdislov V., Mironova A., Mironova A., Apryshko V.)., Apryshko V.).
    in journal of Biophysics, Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing (Russian Federation), volume 61, No 2, p. 267-270 DOI
  • The influence of the storage temperature and cryopreservation conditions on the extent of human sperm DNA fragmentation
    Simonenko E., Garmaeva S., Yakovenko S., Grigorieva A., Tverdislov V., Mironova A., Apryshko V.
    in journal of Biophysics, Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing (Russian Federation), volume 61, No 2, p. 267-270
  • The influence of the storage temperature and cryopreservation conditions on the extent of human sperm DNA fragmentation
    Simonenko E., Garmaeva S., Yakovenko S., Grigorieva A., Tverdislov V., Mironova A., Apryshko V.
    in journal of Biophysics, Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing (Russian Federation), volume 61, No 2, p. 267-270 DOI
  • The influence of the storage temperature and cryopreservation conditions on the extent of human sperm DNA fragmentation
    Yakovenko S.A., Simonenko E.Y., Garamayeva S.B., Grigirieva A.A., Tverdislov V.А., Mironova A.G., Apryshko V.P.
    in journal of Biophysics, Nauka publishing office (М.), volume 61, No 2, p. 316-320
  • Assessment of ART programs efficiency: is it necessary to use a separate media for embryos at different developmental stages? 
    Kirienko K.V., Apryshko V.P., Kharitonova M.A., Troshina M.N., Ermilova I.Y., Kalinina E.S., Khryapenkova T.G., Strashnova A.L., Voronich N.S., Birukov A.A., Bolt A.I., Klepukov A.A., Savina E.M., Mironova A.G., Simonenko E.Y., Yakovenko S.A.
    in journal of Reproduction Problems, volume 22, No 5, p. 56-60 DOI


  • Fungal contamination of incubators in IVF laboratory: contaminating agent detection and  elaboration of routine algorithm of СО2-incubators treatment.
    Yakovenko S.A., Bozina Y.V., Apryshko V.P., Strashnova A.L., Mukhortova A.A., Bolt A.I., Birukov A.A., Voronich N.S., Kirienko K.V.
    published in journal of Success in Medical Mycology by All-Russian Public Organization “National Academy of Mycology” (Moscow), volume 17, p. 237-243.


  • Culturing of human embryos with different content of melatonin in media K.V. Kirienko, V.P. Apryshko, M.A. Kharitonova,  I.Yu. Ermilova,
    A.L. Konkova, A.I. Bolt, A.A. Klepukov, A.G. Mironova, A.A. Naumova, Ya.V. Bozina, A.B. Struyf, E.Yu. Simonenko, S.A. Yakovenko  Problemy Reproduktsii (Russian Journal of Human Reproduction), v. 24, №2, p. 69-74 DOI
  • Calorimetric characteristics of glycerol-based cryoprotectant  Simonenko E.Yu., Ivanova A.A., Burmistrova E.V., Pryadun V.V., Vasiliev A.N., Yakovenko S.A.  Modern Trends in Biological Physics and Chemistry Journal, publisher Sevastopol State University (Sevastopol), v. 3, №2, pp 406-410
  • Dependence of the probability of successful embryo implantation from the day of its development  Ivanova A.A., Mironova A.G., Yakovenko S.A., Simonenko E.Yu.  Modern Trends in Biological Physics and Chemistry Journal, publisher Sevastopol State University (Sevastopol), v. 3, №4, pp 809-813
  • Major results of a phase III comparative multicenter study on the follitropin alfa biosimilar (Primapur®) and the original follitropin alfa (Gonal-f®)  Barakhoeva Z.B., Vovk L.A., Zorina I.V., Belousova N.Yu., Teterina T.A.,Yakovenko S.A., Apryshko V.P., Fetisova Yu.A., Marilova N.A., Morozova E.G.,Ovchinnikova M.M., Tishenko M.A., Sherbatyuk Yu.V., Kolotovkina A.V., Miskun A.A., Kasyanova G.V., Sichinava L.G., Shalinа R.I., Polzikov M.A Obstetrics, gynaecology and reproduction journal, v. 12, №3, pp. 5-16 DOI


  • Method of adiabatic calorimetry for determination of physical-chemical сharacteristics of cryoprotectants, Simonenko E.Y., Pryadun V.V., Ivanova A.A., Burmistrova E.V., Vasilev A.N., Yakovenko S.A.Biophysics journal, publisher Science (M.), v.64, issue 1, p. 5-11 DOI

Charity projects Sergey Yakovenko

Medisinsk team

Anton Bolt

Anton Bolt

  • Embryologie principal
Yaroslav Lugovtsov

Yaroslav Lugovtsov

  • Ultrasonographe, MD

Liudmila Yelicheva

Liudmila Yelicheva

  • Obstetrician Gynecologist, Phd

Nina Sheina

Nina Sheina

  • Gynécologue obstétricien

Sergey Yakovenko

Sergey Yakovenko

  • CEO, embryologist, PhD, Associate Professor at Moscow State University, Department of Biophysics.

Sona Nshanyan

Sona Nshanyan

  • Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynecologist, PHD

Ekaterina Osina

Ekaterina Osina

  • Gynécologue obstétricien, Phd

Timur Khrabrov

Timur Khrabrov

  • Urologue, Andrologue, PhD
Zarema Barakhoeva

Zarema Barakhoeva

  • Endocrinologue de la reproduction, gynécologue, DM, PHD

Konstantin Kirienko

Konstantin Kirienko

  • Embryologue principal, PhD

Populære IVF-programmer

Altravita Clinic har ledende posisjoner innen reproduksjonsmedisin, behandling av ufruktbarhet hos kvinner og menn, cytogenetiske og molekylærgenetiske studier.



Oksana, 15 Oct 2019 г.

Tusen takk, Dr. Vladimir Valentinovich, du er både en fantastisk person og en eksepsjonell spesialist!!! Takket være din behandling og unike tilnærming fikk vi den 10. april vår dyrebare lille jente. Du visste alltid nøyaktig hva du skulle si for å muntre oss opp. Til tross for alle feilene mistet du aldri håpet og fortsatte å komme med nye behandlingsplaner inntil vi omsider lyktes. Jeg takker deg nok en gang og ønsker deg lykke til i ditt harde arbeid!

AltraVita IVF